Foglifters Team Members are proud of their
accomplishments in our short history, but we also
realize that our best work is ahead.
From concept to launch, we've focused on listening
to our customers openly and without bias. We've
done this to understand their needs and concerns
from their perspective. We also wanted to learn
the language, economics and outlook of their indsutries
and businesses.
Then we went back into the lab and re-tested
products and services that we already knew. We
challenged some of the assumptions that these
products were based on, and tried to really see
things from our customer's perspective before
designing the approach and solution.
As we know, one size does not fit all, so we
also looked at the variations in customer skill
and desire, and tried to create self-serve, mini-serve
and full serve options for each of our major service
We believe that this combination of internet
skills and industry knowledge will set us apart
from other providers, and that our commitment
to testing and development will keep us apart.